2. oktober åbner en ny udstilling hos Peter Lav Gallery med fotografiske arbejder af Sophia Kalkau 


Solariserede sorte fotografier, lysende konturer, krop og geometriske figurer. Sophia Kalkaus værker kredser om forholdet mellem det uendelige, store, bløde univers og det lille, aflukkede rum. Mellem tomhed og fylde, håb og tab, krop og himmellegemer. I galleriet vises værkern Traces, 2015, Geometric Time, 2015, Ball Carrier’s Dream, 2015 og Traces of some internal geometries, 2015. Værker der alle kredser om relationen mellem det abstrakte og det konkrete, forholdet mellem krop og geometri.

Udstillingen kan ses hos Peter Lav Gallery i Bredgade frem til d. 7. november 2015.

Tidligere på året udkom Ursula Andkjær Olsens digtsamling "Udgående Fartøj" på Gyldendal, hvori en del af de fotografiske arbejder indgår - klik her


On 7 October Peter Lav Gallery opens a new exhibition of works by Sophia Kalkau

Solarized black photographs, luminous contours, body and geometric shapes. Sophia Kalkau’s works revolve around the relationship between the infinite, enormous, soft universe and the minuscule, enclosed space. Between void and fullness, hope and loss, human and celestial bodies. The exhibition includes the works Traces, Geometric Time, Ball Carrier’s Dream and White Situation. Works that hover between abstract and concrete, touching upon the relation between body and geometry.

The exhibition will be open until 7 November 2015.

Some of the photographic works appeared in Outgoing Vessel (Udgående Fartøj) by the Danish poet Ursula Andkjær Olsen published by Gyldendal earlier this year.

Sophia Kalkau graduated from the School of Sculpture at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Since the mid-90’ies she has worked intensively with the photographic medium. Her photographic works constitute a performative investigation, a playful exploration of the classical media of sculpture and photography. Recurring themes in Kalkau’s works are transformation and metamorphosis, physical and floating mental states. Beyond the works’ formal structure runs a dream-based narrative, where phantasy and reality are not contradictory. Kalkau’s works touch upon the mystery of existence, of the world and of objects.